Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Who are the real terrorists?

We really don’t understand much theses days. Let’s just look at these recent bombings in London and I will weave a fabulous tale of global finance, organised crime and terrorism. Fiction, or reality?

Here’s the scenario:

At seemingly normal trading offices, computers and their geeks are busy at work. Actually there are several of these offices linked across the globe. Computers and state of the art programs are geared up to monitor various markets: money funds, various stock exchanges, etc. All the offices have televisions tuned into CNN, BBC and other international news groups. Suddenly there is breaking news: another terrorist attack has just hit the London Tube. That’s the sign for action: the “go” is given.

As news of the bombing seeps out to the press, markets begin falling. The markets fall a little more, and waiting for just the right moment, our market sharks move into action. They have at their disposal perhaps several million dollars, if not more, in which to play. Their sophisticated, state of the art computer programs identify at the speed of light the depressed prices of specific funds, money markets and other volatile markets. Soon the sharks have accumulated a large amount of currencies and other stocks at great discounts.

And then they go to lunch.

After lunch, calm has returned to the financial markets and prices are returning to their previous levels. Business as usual. There is a round of high-fives and other congratulations as the level of profit taking is realised. Depending on the resources of our sharks’ bosses, they have had a good day: millions, tens of millions of dollars in profit….maybe even more.

Nice little parable, no? Or is it just a story? Even with the first London bombs, after the shock, anger and sadness, I felt uncomfortable about the entire business. And then two weeks later the “failed” bombs and the usual arrests.

“If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it.”

Bertrand Russell, Roads to Freedom

Could this be related to all the suspicious circumstances related to 9/11 that I had been reading on the Internet? Is it possible that we are being duped? Am I just paranoid along with thousands of others, from conspiracy theorists to the BBC even.?

Al Qaeda?
For example, Al Qaeda DOES NOT EXSIST, never existed and was entirely a creation by Bush and his neo-conservative gang.

Here's three films by the BBC that will open your eyes! There is a great scene of Rumsfelled on TV news showing the elaborate bunkers of Al Qaeda and later you see they found only a few lonely caves.

Baby it's Cold Outside, The Phantom Victory, The Shadows in the Cave (Free download)

Each movie is an hour. Go to "The Shadows..." for the quick fix summary.

There are many folks on the web that have some great and resourceful sites on these subjects.....

(See: The Bulldog Manifesto, for example)

Still a few things to consider...

Organised crime and the financial networks:
“The emergence of a vast global criminal economy and its growing interdependence with the formal economy and with political institutions at all levels is one of the most disturbing features of the new network society.”
We are talking BIG money: arms deals, drug trafficking($400 billion a year!), prostitution and sex slave trade, smuggling of goods and people, gambling, kidnapping, and counterfeiting just to name a few. Much of this money turns up in banks and the stock markets and my little story above might possibly be a viable scenario for certain imaginative elements.

War and more war

Global military expenditure and arms trade form the largest spending in the world at over $950 billion in annual expenditure. (War spending counter)How can the governments in the west justify these huge economies when the Soviet threat is no more? Thus the new war on terror because: war is the health of the state. Who are the beneficiaries of this enormous economy? Comfortable bedfellows for sure are the war hawks and neo-cons together with those whose lifestyles and position depend on the military industrial complex.

Globalization of finance

Let's look at globalization and the crapshoot better known as the stock market. Our little parable makes a lot of sense given the newly emergent networks of global capitalism: "Capital shuttles back and forth between economies in a matter of hours, minutes and sometimes seconds. Favoured by deregulation…and the opening of domestic financial markets, powerful computer programs and skilful financial analysts/computer wizards sitting at the global nodes of a selective telecommunications network play games, literally with billions of dollars….These global gamblers are not obscure speculators, but major investment banks, pension funds, multinational corporations …and mutual funds organised precisely for the sake of financial manipulation......Every corporation depends on what happens in these complex networks, which nobody controls." And let’s add the organised crime groups to this party.

The thing to understand though is that this is a machine: driven and programmed for maximising only profits. This electronically based system of financial transactions is the new monster of Dr Frankenstein, controlling all aspects of our world. Useful factories will be closed, babies will die, wars will be fought, the environment will be sacrificed, child labour exploited, woman forced into prostitution, drugs made easily available in ghettos, social and cultural programs cut, more death-trap cars built at the expense of clean and green transport, and last but not least, governments bought and sold to this global finance creature, all in the name of PROFIT.

Anti-global: the final straw for the neo-cons

The anti-global movement created a vast alternative network centred around non-government agencies (NGA’s). From Seattle onward governments got nervous as we got wiser, more organised, more powerful, more creative. On many fronts, from peace and social justice, sustainable communities and technologies, tax shifting, environment, green energy, grassroot political groups, influential NGA think tanks, workplace, alternative medicine, to organic food, in every aspect of our lives new movements were organised and connected through the Internet. Each of these fronts challenged the hegemony of big business and their government henchmen. Enough was enough. Al Qaeda was born and the war on terror launched and Hollywood, the nightly news and mass media fanned the flames of fear.

What’s it all about?

Lies, fear, and a population who obediently consume.
That is their strategy.
Mine? Hope, and making sense of the seemingly senseless.

Conquer despair. Inform yourselves!

See: http://www.globalissues.org/
Center for Ecoliteracy www.ecoliteracy.org
Rocky Mountain Institute www.rmi.org
World Social Forum www.wsfindia.org/
Great book and writer:

The Hidden Connections, by Fritjof Capra www.fritjofcapra.net/

Power to the people!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Threads of Hope: desparachos (disappeared) and arpilleres (tapestries)

I hope they give him to me: whether in pieces or as a corpse. That they give him to me and let me bury him. That’s what keeps me alive. It gives me strength until the hour of my death. I will not forgive them.

It happens on occasion in my work that a student asks me: is it possible to create new theatre forms?
I usually respond, rather dryly, no. Then I make a comparison of visual art and theatre. Yes, we have often new styles: seemingly every other new kid on the block has his gimmick, his particular way, or style. But look at the social form of painting: galleries are dead in the sense of who today can think of creating for the tastes and needs of the rich, the famous or some bank? Who goes to those galleries, or to museums, for that matter. For me, museums are as bad as church. (Obviously certain tourist and academic reasons do exist for going).

But form is another matter, related to function. Look at the origin of Hip Hop, as my friend MC Baba puts it: it was about a community creating a space (a form) where there was no space.

Or speaking on theatre: I would much rather see a show put up by a group of retirees in a social centre speaking about their lives than go to an expensive theatre and sit in the dark and watch the avantguardia "dallying with forms".

Nothing compares to the pain of the mother.

So this brings me to this wonderful and sad film, Threads of Hope by Andrew Johnson, about the Chilean mothers of the desparachos. We see how the cries of the souls of these mothers transformed a tradition of tapestry weaving into a political force that eventually brought the world’s attention to the brutal military regime of Pinochet.

Here we see the healing, transformative power of art at the service of politics. But more than politics: these are real acts, Promethean acts of courage and rebellion, death defying gestures, akin to that lone individual who stood up to the tanks in Tinaman Square. The police would actually seek out these arpilleres and their makers. They had to be smuggled out of the country to be put on exhibition.

My son is a piece of my heart and without that piece of heart the machine doesn’t work well.

In the naiveté of the visual forms, in the “poor” aspect of the production, in the sincerity of expression, in these desperate outcries, we find that all too evasive and perfect union of form and content; of political and artistic, of daily life and rebellion. In the fragmentation of their souls, in their actual physical loss of their children (an extension of their very bodies, their flesh) there is an attempt of reconstruction. In the actual working of the material, as they pieced together bits of found cloth, they were able to weave together new life. From pain and grief, through artistic creation, they found courage and strength. And in the consequent forming of new communities and of a sense solidarity with other grieving mothers they created a political movement.

We see also other art forms were transformed by the mothers of the desparachos, in music and dance; and in their travels and networking these new forms were exported to other countries in need, South Africa and Argentina, for example.

Yet for many there is still a search for closure, that only when the truths be told will their suffering be assuaged.

(a tapestry from Afghanistan)

I ask and I’ll never tire searching and asking: what has happened to him? Someday they’ll come back. A home is waiting, a beating heart is always asking: will they come home someday?

You can see this wonderful film for free online at the great and resource rich site: http://www.arcoiris.tv/

Look for the "Ricerca" window and type in "Threads of Hope".

Or download/open directly to the film: Real Player; Media Player.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

The Limits of the Political

What can art (theatre) do that “politics” has been unable to do?
To clarify, by politics I don’t mean modern, mass-media driven, democratic voting machines as found in western, (northern) first-world countries. I refer more to alternative activists and their strategies of promoting change in various fields: environment, poverty, various injustices, anti-war, anti-global, etc. and to the left and extreme left groups and (i.e. liberalists, socialists, reformists, communists and anarchists, etc.). It’s too easy to generalise, still the danger in these groups is that they tend to be focused on protest only. Protesting is necessary but creating visions, promoting tolerance, creating new ways to capture the imagination of a largely dissatisfied populace who are turned off by slogans, marches, and a certain militancy (like black bloc) seems to be equally, if not more important, today.

I am a newly converted fan to the 3rd sector and the thousands of groups (church groups also) and their volunteers who actually accomplish good works. I imagine many of these don’t consider their work political, but rather social in nature. Here one could accuse these groups of a lack of political sophistication and critique of capitalism that the above mentioned groups most certainly possess.

Social critics and their numerous books and essays fall into a separate category. Writing is art and we do need to make use of the word. The “boss” has millions of words at his disposal from political pundits, to advertising and to the mass-media news and their always fair and balanced reporting. But when do words become action? How can these important ideas be put into practice? How can they be organised?

One could also throw into this political/social soup spiritual, religious, and eastern disciplines and others (new age?) who “are working toward a better self, a better world”. One could say these last groups certainly promote positive means of developing the art of living, of finding serenity, peace of mind and meaning, (especially if they promote non-violence and vegetarianism). Are they politically savvy? Artistic? Politically artistic? Where is the balance between working on oneself and changing the system? Yet it’s perhaps here in these disciplines of the here and now that begin to approach the goals and means of what I call political theatre.

I’ve often asked in my work, in videos, and theatre: what is it about the human condition that makes us unable to realise the beautiful ideas that humanity has so sublimely expressed in art, music and literature? Why can’t we get it together as a species? We live a lie, a hypocrisy where we tout, plug, and peddle great promises but as soon as they are uttered another bombs goes off, another war starts, another child dies of hunger, another executioner inserts the syringe. Why this great divide between ideas and life? Is a political solution even enough to resolve the great human dilemmas, to alleviate what haunts the human spirit? And art for art’s sake seems be a pathetic type of intellectual, post-modernist masturbation, akin to new age ideologies.

The terrible has already happened!

“We are born into a world where alienation awaits us. We are potentially men but are in an alienated state, and this state is not simply a natural system. Alienation as our present destiny is achieved only by outrageous violence perpetuated by human beings on human beings.”

R. D. Laing, The Politics of Experience
Or in a more poetic form:

“They are a playing a game. They are playing at not playing a game. If I show them I see, I shall break the rules and they will punish me. I must play their game, of not seeing the game.”
R.D. Laing, Knots

Visionaries, malcontents, criminals, tramps, iconoclasts and others who challenge our basic beliefs, who challenge our reality, who challenge this unnatural system- like the schizophrenic, the manic-depressives, the discontent and rebellious teens and the mad poets- these we can only trivialise, isolate, lock away, medicate. (Modern forms of crucifixion.)
What can make us whole again?

If the bombs can’t teach then how can the theatre? Julian Beck. What can theatre do that “politics” has been unable to do? Ameliorative theatre?

How? In the theatre we can create magic! We can return to the power, mystery and terror of the Now. Sacred time, space and body. And ecstasy: where do we find it in life? And yet is this political?

We can in the enclosed space of the spectacle (between beginning and end) experience joy and meaning while we speak of terror, pain and injustice; realise harmony and hope while we show violence, lethargy and boredom; feel the degradation and humiliation of the body, limited by the social norm, and the contrary: bodies free, bodies touching and exploring the limits ofexpression, indicating new possibilities and directions.

And in the theatre we put light on our failure to create a world in which we could live in peace: peace without destroying ourselves, others and other life forms; where we can express poetically a critique of society and show “ways of being” that can challenge the prevailing winds of negative individualism.

It seems what is called for is a both secular, and spiritual, renewal of passion, analogous to a religious transformation, where the veil of lies and falsehoods about myself, society and who we are to each other is realised. I imagine a superbly ecstatic rave-like, circus-like, political theatre, pouring out into the street (if it wasn’t already there!), infecting all with its beauty, joy and seriousness. So we confront the terrible with the possible. And sometimes, with grace, the possible becomes actual.

A short preview:

Stop the bombs
(The above photos are from the show.)
Theatre of the street; theatre of participation; theatre of joy.
We started from an idea best expressed by Julian Beck: Emergency Theatre.
How can we best respond to the calamities that are plaguing humankind? We found also in the impossible text of Antonin Artaud, No More Firmament, a poetic expression of our modern dilemma: the individual in confrontation with a society alienated from its self; and a science at the service of that same Frankenstein-ish structure. Daily life explodes, implodes, upon itself. No More Firmament shows the dissatisfaction of a society in decline, where we feel to be not only victim but also killer, and where the false security of science and the law further exasperates the crisis. But more: with Artaud there is always a beyond, a wish to hope, to fly, to taste the divine. The result is a type of ritualised happening: visions of apocalypse and the getaway plan, where the key to the prison rests in the hope, smiles and participation of the public.
To see the video (sorry, in Italian only, but lots to see anyway!)
go to Arcoiris TV and search The Living Theatre in the "RICERCA"window.

For another nice video, Genova Citta' Aperta (in english), on the issues of G8 and protest (with an interview of myself and others with varying points of view) go to the same site: Arcoiris TV, search Living Theatre

Or, to go directly to the film click: Real Player; Media Player

Thursday, July 14, 2005

What we can do...

It is easy to just complain. Without making suggestions and proposing new (and old) ideas one could simply be called a cry baby. So the purpose of today’s blog is to make some observations and offer a few practical ideas.

When does 367 = 3 billion? When the total resource of property and money (what we generally call wealth) of 367 persons (men and mostly white) is equal to the total wealth of 3 billion persons. See it visually: On one side of the scale are 367 men: on the other side are 3 billion persons (half of the earth’s population).

Or if you want to talk about a pyramidal structure of society, Bill Gates and his posse at the top, and at the base, those 3 billion.

I have no problem with rich people. They can live as they like. But in a world of dire poverty (every three seconds death by hunger), wars without end, destruction of the environment, the enslavement of billions of people to hated work, death by disease, torture as an institution practised by over 60 countries (also Uncle Sam) -the list of injustices could continue- it seems that the way in which we live is abhorrently wrong, if not categorically EVIL.
One of the few things I liked about the first Matrix film (forget about the sequels) was the metaphor of our being programmed by machines, and how a few of us have escaped, and how it is possible that we all can escape. So the question is: how, and by what, are we programmed?

So here are some positive actions and fields of engagement:

Turn off the TV! Those 367 men want us to watch, to buy, to think, to worry and consider, to be a passive sponge, to accept an ideology that supports their position. They determine the terms of engagement of our minds. Try NOT watching for a week and see if you start to think about OTHER things!

Minimise car use: the automobile is probably the most influential aspect of modern life effecting every part of economy, lifestyle and death-style. Everyday in the USA there 123 deaths. 1,123,375 in 25 years! (How many more have been paralysed, finished in comas or disfigured!) Every hour, 5 deaths! One death very 12 minutes! Think of that when you get behind the wheel! They give you a license to drive but they should at the same time have us fill out our last will and testaments. Solutions: work where you live; agitate against the automobile; take mass transit. Get a bicycle!

Become a vegetarian. We do not have to eat the flesh of animals to survive. You want to end world hunger? "If everyone adopted a vegetarian diet and no food were wasted, current food production would theoretically feed 10 billion people, more than the projected population for the year 2050." Morally, ethically and for the benefits of a healthy body, the vegetarian diet is a must for the future of human-kind.

Go to:

http://www.vivavegie.org/ for a 101 reasons to dig the vegetable!

Be poor! Choose volunteer poverty as an ethical lifestyle. Fans of the “Rich and Famous”; of the Hollywood star system; buyers of Mercedes, Rolexes, million dollar homes, islands, yachts- beware! Not to brag but if more people lived like me and my friends the world economy would come to a grinding halt! I have not paid taxes in 20 years! I have no car, house or property.

This is more than a political question: it is a spiritual issue about what it means to be content, satisfied and to live according to ethical principles. On this note…..

Practice a discipline of body/mind work: Not happy, frustrated, overweight, nervous, neurotic, angry? The only person responsible for my misery, or my serenity, is myself. Tai Chi, meditation, yoga, Chi Kung, martial arts: there are hundreds of practical exercises and techniques where we can become masters of our own destinies, find new energy, make new friends. The emptiness of the human soul is waiting to be filled: not by the consumer society but by a return to sure and tested (ancient) systems of practical mind/body philosophy.

Get a spiritual program. Atheist? Doesn’t matter: call it an ethical program. Know yourself. Find techniques of developing a positive critique of ourselves. Read the words of the Dali Lama for example. Focus on alleviating the suffering of others and our own sense of purpose will be realised, and our own suffering will diminish.

Get involved in 3rd sector work (not in the market economy or government): community organisations, volunteer associations, art, cultural and activist groups.

Instil in your children a simple idea: no more soldiers! Without soldiers (and a tax base) there would be no wars. If brothers did not learn that fighting is acceptable behaviour then there would be no violence.

Be a responsible consumer: buy organic and natural. (Careful: “natural” is now a marketing technique of Madison Ave.) Have you seen the chemicals in your soaps, shampoos, conditioners, lotions? Try this: look at the labels and Google those chemicals. It’s frightening!
Go for “Zero garbage”. Worried about the oil crisis: how do you think all that plastic we buy and throw away is made? Check out your garbage: eliminate it! Let’s organise mass consumer boycotts. When we, the people, weld our mighty dollar’s power by not spending…changes will occur.

Eliminate the government! Big idea: don’t vote, don’t pay taxes. Inform yourself on what government really is: a system to protect the property of those 367 men!
1 billon dollars EVERDAY goes directly into the pockets of mostly rich, white and corporate farmers paid by tax payers to governments. "Can we take a piece of this billion dollars a day and put it to work on ending hunger and poverty in the developing world?"
Want to see where MOST of our tax dollars go: check out this counter on global military spending: http://www.nonviolenceinternational.net/

Create a community and break the economic back of the nuclear family: find some friends, find a common goal- in the city or country. Pool resources: create a tribe! Why must we confront Mammon all alone. Decide: Every man for himself! Or, All for one and one for all!

Start a free school. Let’s empty the public schools: we decide on how our children should learn. Have a talent or skill: offer free classes.

OK. It seems to me the basic question is how we move ourselves into the future. Is Capitalism the only way? Can it solve the crisis we are facing? Is not Capitalism an irrational system, without scruples, based only on the need for profits, and not on human needs? What to do? I believe the human imagination is a capable of resolving all of our human and Earth needs. How to release its great power? We are TOO rich! We have never had more wealth, ideas, fabulous technologies and THINGS than at any other time in history…but also, never more hunger, destruction and Evil!

In the meantime, as we confront this necessity of how to implement a new vision, there are some basic human rights that must still be won by a mass political movement: housing; the end of poverty (not JUST extreme poverty) and hunger; guaranteed minimum income; the end of wars; the protection of all plant and animal species and the Earth itself; and freedom from all violence and slavery, be it from governments or individuals. Let’s do it!

Please see: The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism, By Hakim Bey;

The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight, by Thom Hartmann;

The End of Work, by Jeremey Rifkin

Post-Scarcity Anarchism, by Murray Bookchin

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

We're not afraid (?)

War is wrong because it is war
Violence is wrong because it is violence

The terrible has already happened. R.D. Laing
Hiroshima. Nagasaki. Cain and Abel. When did we go down this inhuman path? Or is violence all too human?
Violence like war must become an idea whose very mention evokes a strong disgust. Like cannibalism. Yet we are so immersed in violent culture at every level of our social being that only a new step in our evolution could transform us.
I do not want to minimise the pain and sorrow of any of the London victims. (Or the We're not afraid campaign. See: http://www.werenotafraid.com/). I am only asking myself if there is not a certain hypocrisy in the huge amount of attention- or rather the small amount of attention that the daily bombings in Iraq are not having.
In any situation in which conflict is resolved by resorting to the use of force, or the threat of force, the final resolution will be determined by the means used to arrive at that end. Means determine ends.

Whether it is Black Block, Uncle Sam, Jihad or Big Daddy, the use of power and force is the easy choice. The litmus test of any strategy or policy can always be considered under the light of this simple formula: is it coercive, or is it collaborative? Could we have collaborated with Saddam? (I’m hearing those voices already!) Yes: we can only collaborate if we want to achieve peace. What if we had sent to the mid-east an “army” of tens of thousands of artists, poets, writers, musicians, doctors, sociologists, psychologists, children, elders, scientists, builders, etc., all crashing the borders with magic-ray zappers of love and respect. What if……

Care as much about each other as about yourselves...Never pay back evil for evil... If your enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink...Do not let evil conquer you, but use good to defeat evil. (Romans 12:16-21)

Monday, July 11, 2005

Spielberg : a dangerous man!

Spielberg a dangerous man?
When a billion dollar movie serves to support war, sexism, militarism and xenophobia, and further, subliminally conditions the viewing public to accept that killing, in some circumstances, is justified, then watch out! If you have not yet seen War of the Worlds, don’t! I want bother reviewing the film, (that you can find easily enough) but I’ll just make a few comments.

It seems the writers, producers and director are making quite the effort to further instil in the public the love of family and the need for the use of violence to solve problems. Someone once said that all images have their ideology.
So we see that Tom Cruise, (why even bother with his character’s name?) when he must save his blond and blue-eyed daughter’s virginal life, can only resort to killing. Forget reasoning, forget empathy- just tell your obedient and submissive offspring to look the other way while daddy goes and offs the hysterical man that just saved your life. It is this type of mindset that Hollywood is too keen on…has always been keen on, as the big buck movie backers and war machine stock market profiteers (thanks for all those tanks ands planes and soldiers Uncle Sam!) are given another pep rally. Kill, kill, kill- that’s the only way to save ourselves. That and the help of God, Earth’s God, MY God, not THEIR God! (In the last narration there is a type of thank you prayer to our God, who having created our world in such a way as to protect us, saves us from the big bad wolves.)

There is a heavy importance in this film given to the sacred nuclear family, to the right of the individuals to protect themselves and theirs. We see scenes of panic and chaos where instead of mutual aid and co-operation, the people can only fight it out, resorting always to force. The entire plot turns on this salmon like desire to return to the origin, to mother and grandparents, to the family, the supreme raison d’être of life, while the rest of humanity can fight it out amongst themselves.

These days I am re-reading Brave New World and it brings me to ask: how are we so conditioned by society (state, schools, family) that we accept all to easily the prevailing ideology of competition and the use of force. Hollywood is one if the most important storytellers for the young and when these war lovers, these so called liberals that the Right complain about, can only make these superficial, traditional, ideologically potent films of indoctrination then we must call Spielberg and company dangerous.Where are the pacifist, activist, alternative filmmakers and writers? Who has another vision?

Judith Malina (see Living Theatre) used to argue: I want to destroy the nuclear family! It is and has always been the prime conditioning mechanism of all that is wrong in society: every man and his castle instilling violence, the use of emotional blackmail, of class and poverty, of our psychological armour, of the ideologies of obedience, love of country, money and objects. Inside those four sacred walls we are conditioned to the established ruling system that governs our minds and souls.

"We are all murderers", said R.D. Laing, when we use the threat of violence; when we make use of power in the bedroom, or in the kitchen; when we use the bombs in Iraq or in the London subway. One could say we are all hypocrites also if in accusing the other of violence we don’t look into our own selves to see how it manifests in our own actions.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Welcome to my blog

Welcome! This is my blog for my website: I call it This Week's This and you can find it at

Can art change the world? Should it try to change the world? Where is the avant guarde today? Who are the voices, the cutting edge "cultural workers" who, from the confusing clash between our daily life and the daily spectacle of the world stage, can make sense of a seemingly senseless world?

"Art is the inside of the world", once said a theatre artist. The site proposes a weekly video magazine of politics and culture. It presents the world through the eyes of this artist, allowing the video camera to fuse the distinction between TV journalism and art, creating a new art form, perhaps an overtly political art form, yet deeply personal and idiosyncratic.

And this Blog?
That's up to us! Here I hope to hear from you all: comments on my site and the videos; and this blog as a diary and forum. I will try to keep it updated about my ungoing activities (Living Theatre, for example) and the "this" of this week.

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